Warning: The new antisemitism is the concept of a new form of anti-Semitism that developed in the early twenty-first century, simultaneously from the left and Islam, seeking to manifest itself as opposition to Zionism and the State of Israel.
A member of the National Council of the French Communist Party accused of antisemitism.
Be appearing on November 29 by the criminal court of Mulhouse, five militants Marxist Miss Aline Parmentier, Departmental Secretary of the Communist Party French Alsace section, Farida Trichina "Justice for Palestine Alsace Henri Eichholzer of AFPS 68, Mohamed Akbar REDA Association, and Jacques Ballouey Greens 68.
Departmental secretary of the Communist Party of French Alsace section, Miss Parmentier is a politician, a member of the National Council of the PCF, Mulhouse, she presented herself to the latest regional under the banner of the anti-liberal left. "The collective of the left anti Mulhouse consists of the PCF, alternatives, activists of the decline, union and association," she stated.
Six "Marxist organizations" ranging from very left wing Socialist Party had made a list in 2010, "Together for a left Alsace, environmental and civic solidarity." It was led by a Marxist professor of University of Mulhouse, Jean-Yves Causer. It was a total rout.
Comrade Professor Jean-Yves FG Causer - Alternative - PCOF - KVD obtaining only the ridiculous score of 9,712 votes or 1.87%.
The right-wing extremist National Front Patrick Binder reap in the first round is 70 173 votes 13.49% in the second round and 89 832 votes or 14.57% with 5 seats and get a score of 10.64%!
Do not doubt for one moment that the ideology behind this sickening Parmentier lady, she announces anti liberal, is the most despicable in the world, Marxist ideology and its application communism.
On June 23, 2007 in a speech not delivered (but posted on the internet) the "comrade" Parmentier said: "In the period of resistance to the right and reconstruction of the Party, it is necessary that the militants (es) are well trained (ed) and rooted in life on solid ideological Marxists. "
The hilarious tovaritch, the apparatchik Georges Marchais, in his time had said that the balance of communism was generally positive. Let this tragic toll a little more closely: the Stalinist dictatorship was alone more than 20,000,000 deaths. Africa, Cambodia, North Korea, Tibet: 120,000,000. This is the trial balance because communism continues to kill. "Communism killed before the Nazis killed, he killed during the Nazi killing, it continues to kill while the Nazis did kill more" Solzhenitsyn said. But for all the dead have no memory, there was not even planned on waiting lists.
These are tomorrows desired by Madame Parmentier! An ocean of blood, rivers of corpses, amnesia for crimes communist past, present and especially future, antisemitism maniac, Holocaust denial, historical falsification, concealment, diversions: everything is good to hide reality of socialist revolutions with their human failures, economic and ecological besides the ocean of human suffering!
A little known aspect of their approach Marxist (PCF) or Trotskyite (NPA) of permanent hostility to the State of Israel, is explained by the fact that Jews, in their view, would have used genocide "fabricated "to justify the existence of the State of Israel and persecute the Palestinians.
But tell me why you call into question the Holocaust, the Jewish genocide? For them, anti-fascism is an obstacle to the idea of socialist revolution and workers. The Zionists and the citizens would have "invented" an absolute evil: Auschwitz, to forget the exploitation of workers and the Third World. Democracies have loaded the boat voluntarily Nazism to forget their own crimes. "Anti-fascism and anti-Nazism allowed them to justify too many indignities since. "(Tract La Guerre Sociale, 1979).
Primary anti-Semitism and Communist is not new! Between 1939 and 1942 the French Communist leaders and "activists" on the left then-members of the famous Bolshevik Comintern was stuffed with anti-Semitic, as the traitor and Communist Jacques Duclos, who complained for the sake of the occupant's Ally despicable party, the Mandel Jewish, "interior minister under Paul Reynaud.
Mr. Albert Sarraut, Interior Minister (and not the Marshal) even cried sitting of the Senate, March 19, 1940:
"Communist propaganda and Hitler - they do that - the enemy propaganda. I had the opportunity to explain myself before this commission of criminal and civil laws. The leader of this propaganda is Hitler, whose Bolshevik is the "lieutenant" if needed to prove this assertion, it would suffice to indicate that it is the German planes that scatter the leaflets Communists this other fact that radio and Communist propaganda, "The Voice of Peace", "Radio Humanity" which are repeated, throwing their emissions of Germany. "(Official Journal of 20 March 1940, page 266).
We must remember that the Communist George Montandon, ethnologist was one of the main guarantors of scientific anti-Semitic racism before and during the Second World War.
But if, with five accomplices Madame Parmentier finds himself in criminal court is not solely responsible for this odious Marxist in case of anti-Semitism.
Yves Moulin collective boycott of 68 who had launched the operation of towing anti-Semitic, is a member and past president (2002) CCFD-Earth-Solidarity (NGO Roman Catholic extreme right) is a member, charged with the 5 , collective Boycott-68 well and should also be on the bench of infamy Corrections! The brown red green alliance is once again put in evidence here, not forgetting of course the instrumentalization of Islam!
Indeed, the coinculpée and complicit Comrade Aline Trichina Farida, 54, the movement called "Justice For Palestine Alsace, Farida on Face Book is" friend "of Senator" green "(sic) Alima Boumediene- Thiery belching pro Hamas protester.
Another accomplice Mohammed Akbar the Muslim Association REDA (dynamics Muslim Presence) is friends with Zeynel Cekic, Web master of alter Focus, Mulhouse Semitic Muslim revisionist multi recidivist racist hatred. Alliance Islamic Marxist anti-Semitic is again highlighted. The exploitation of Muslims by the Communists is a real scandal! The justice of our country in this case must be ruthless with these alleged anti-Semitic!
There is also the "useful idiot" of service, a lamplighter, Henry Eichholzer of AFPS 68 (A pro-Semitic and communist organization Hamas) which will be taken to Guy Petersmitt President Colmarien which communicates on the CPF website ( HERE) There is nothing surprising, since the "Association" an annex of the French Communist Party is led by its founder, Jean-Claude Lefort 66 years old member of the Communist Youth (National Office) and 1964's French Communist Party, he was from 1971 to 1979 the private secretary to Georges Marchais. In 1983 he became secretary of the Federation of Val-de-Marne Communist Party. He is an honorary member.
Still another and final co-accused, the official Ballouey Jacques, a member of verts68, Jacques, it's Molière ...! Leander Ballouey is: "What the hell was he doing in that galley? Scapin and replying: "He did not think of what happened. . On! A Marxist who thinks for himself .... ! It is not! Mr. Ballouey is a lamplighter, a fuse protector of the Islamic alliance filthy Marxist Djamila Sonzogni spokesman Antoine Waechter, blamed in the 1990s for his links ... with the extreme right and racist anti-Semite, president of Independent Ecological Movement (MEI), head of Europe Ecology list in Alsace. Jamila is also the representative of the Marxist Trotskyist Alain Lipietz, a pure watermelon (Green outside, red inside) And this time in March 2010 the European list "Ecology" (sic) made a lousy first round score of 15.6% and n is not this the second round. A chance for Alsace!
But although indicted by the justice of their country (?), These vile anti-Semitic agitators sticking to their guns in their primary manifestations of antisemitism, in effect last Friday, September 24 between 18h and 19h30, the parking lot of the Carrefour store Illzach, they were a dozen members of the "collective" Marxist anti-Semitic Boycott 68 (by police) or twenty (at the height of the rally organizers said) to show their "support" including Sakina Arnaud, whose trial on Appeal held that same Friday in Bordeaux. It was prosecuted by the store Bordeaux for "inciting racial hatred for calling for a boycott of Israeli products," said the demonstrators had Illzach who had again made an anti-Semitic leafleting. Among these, were three of the five Islamic Marxists "pro-Palestinian activists," currently being prosecuted for calling for a boycott of products nauseating Israeli origin in the hypermarket Carrefour Illzach, September 26, 2009.
The Court of Appeal of Bordeaux court issued October 22, 2010 in its deliberations during the trial (brought by the BNVCA (National Bureau of Vigilance Against Anti-Semitism) and the association Lawyers Without Borders). This trial was like Mulhouse filed a habitual offender of the rampant anti-Semitic hatred in the French hypermarket.
For the record, Miss Sakina Arnaud Khimoune born, had already been sentenced in 2005 to a fine of 300 euros by the appeals court in Bordeaux for similar offenses. The court, however, had reclassified the facts "light degradation. On 10 February 2010, the Criminal Court sentenced him to Bordeaux € 1,000 fine, the active and militant member of the LDH (Ligue des Droits de l'Homme), which had received the full support of the MRAP (*) had been convicted of "provoking discrimination and racial hatred" conviction upheld on appeal.
Besides inciting racial hatred Semitic, miss Arnaud activist LDH had increased the abusive and deceptive proclamations against Israel.
Our group will remain very attentive to what all these leftists are anti-Semitic racist Marxists condemned with the utmost severity and recalls that this fight against anti-Semitism must also be the concern of all advocates of human rights which must redouble vigilance and to respond to the development of racist anti-Semitic hatred unleashed by these true incendiary hatred, the French Communist Party, the League of Human Rights through the "Greens", the "Associations" Islamists, and the ultra left notoriously anti-Semitic actions by firm and vigorous.
At a time when the racist and antisemitic multiplied throughout France, where French and Jewish populations of strain are subject to a flood of hate, this ruling serves as a reminder to the proclamations of hate and acts about that antisemitism is not an opinion but a crime.
For the Secretariat of CTECNA.
Alain Michel Labet of Bornay
NB: To report anti-Semitic content:
And we launch a general call to denounce anti-Semitic texts. Bury www.internet-signalement.gouv.fr !
The procedure (several times if you wish):
go to www.internet-signalement.gouv.fr and click "reporting. "In the list, then choose" incitement to commit offenses "Date of observation: xx/xx/2009, located" on a website "to return the URL: www.internet-signalement.gouv.fr comment: you let go, but be constructive! Remain anonymous then validate. Run course (mail, forums ...)!
A member of the National Council of the French Communist Party accused of antisemitism.
Be appearing on November 29 by the criminal court of Mulhouse, five militants Marxist Miss Aline Parmentier, Departmental Secretary of the Communist Party French Alsace section, Farida Trichina "Justice for Palestine Alsace Henri Eichholzer of AFPS 68, Mohamed Akbar REDA Association, and Jacques Ballouey Greens 68.
Departmental secretary of the Communist Party of French Alsace section, Miss Parmentier is a politician, a member of the National Council of the PCF, Mulhouse, she presented herself to the latest regional under the banner of the anti-liberal left. "The collective of the left anti Mulhouse consists of the PCF, alternatives, activists of the decline, union and association," she stated.
Six "Marxist organizations" ranging from very left wing Socialist Party had made a list in 2010, "Together for a left Alsace, environmental and civic solidarity." It was led by a Marxist professor of University of Mulhouse, Jean-Yves Causer. It was a total rout.
Comrade Professor Jean-Yves FG Causer - Alternative - PCOF - KVD obtaining only the ridiculous score of 9,712 votes or 1.87%.
The right-wing extremist National Front Patrick Binder reap in the first round is 70 173 votes 13.49% in the second round and 89 832 votes or 14.57% with 5 seats and get a score of 10.64%!
Do not doubt for one moment that the ideology behind this sickening Parmentier lady, she announces anti liberal, is the most despicable in the world, Marxist ideology and its application communism.
On June 23, 2007 in a speech not delivered (but posted on the internet) the "comrade" Parmentier said: "In the period of resistance to the right and reconstruction of the Party, it is necessary that the militants (es) are well trained (ed) and rooted in life on solid ideological Marxists. "
The hilarious tovaritch, the apparatchik Georges Marchais, in his time had said that the balance of communism was generally positive. Let this tragic toll a little more closely: the Stalinist dictatorship was alone more than 20,000,000 deaths. Africa, Cambodia, North Korea, Tibet: 120,000,000. This is the trial balance because communism continues to kill. "Communism killed before the Nazis killed, he killed during the Nazi killing, it continues to kill while the Nazis did kill more" Solzhenitsyn said. But for all the dead have no memory, there was not even planned on waiting lists.
These are tomorrows desired by Madame Parmentier! An ocean of blood, rivers of corpses, amnesia for crimes communist past, present and especially future, antisemitism maniac, Holocaust denial, historical falsification, concealment, diversions: everything is good to hide reality of socialist revolutions with their human failures, economic and ecological besides the ocean of human suffering!
A little known aspect of their approach Marxist (PCF) or Trotskyite (NPA) of permanent hostility to the State of Israel, is explained by the fact that Jews, in their view, would have used genocide "fabricated "to justify the existence of the State of Israel and persecute the Palestinians.
But tell me why you call into question the Holocaust, the Jewish genocide? For them, anti-fascism is an obstacle to the idea of socialist revolution and workers. The Zionists and the citizens would have "invented" an absolute evil: Auschwitz, to forget the exploitation of workers and the Third World. Democracies have loaded the boat voluntarily Nazism to forget their own crimes. "Anti-fascism and anti-Nazism allowed them to justify too many indignities since. "(Tract La Guerre Sociale, 1979).
Primary anti-Semitism and Communist is not new! Between 1939 and 1942 the French Communist leaders and "activists" on the left then-members of the famous Bolshevik Comintern was stuffed with anti-Semitic, as the traitor and Communist Jacques Duclos, who complained for the sake of the occupant's Ally despicable party, the Mandel Jewish, "interior minister under Paul Reynaud.
Mr. Albert Sarraut, Interior Minister (and not the Marshal) even cried sitting of the Senate, March 19, 1940:
"Communist propaganda and Hitler - they do that - the enemy propaganda. I had the opportunity to explain myself before this commission of criminal and civil laws. The leader of this propaganda is Hitler, whose Bolshevik is the "lieutenant" if needed to prove this assertion, it would suffice to indicate that it is the German planes that scatter the leaflets Communists this other fact that radio and Communist propaganda, "The Voice of Peace", "Radio Humanity" which are repeated, throwing their emissions of Germany. "(Official Journal of 20 March 1940, page 266).
We must remember that the Communist George Montandon, ethnologist was one of the main guarantors of scientific anti-Semitic racism before and during the Second World War.
But if, with five accomplices Madame Parmentier finds himself in criminal court is not solely responsible for this odious Marxist in case of anti-Semitism.
Yves Moulin collective boycott of 68 who had launched the operation of towing anti-Semitic, is a member and past president (2002) CCFD-Earth-Solidarity (NGO Roman Catholic extreme right) is a member, charged with the 5 , collective Boycott-68 well and should also be on the bench of infamy Corrections! The brown red green alliance is once again put in evidence here, not forgetting of course the instrumentalization of Islam!
Indeed, the coinculpée and complicit Comrade Aline Trichina Farida, 54, the movement called "Justice For Palestine Alsace, Farida on Face Book is" friend "of Senator" green "(sic) Alima Boumediene- Thiery belching pro Hamas protester.
Another accomplice Mohammed Akbar the Muslim Association REDA (dynamics Muslim Presence) is friends with Zeynel Cekic, Web master of alter Focus, Mulhouse Semitic Muslim revisionist multi recidivist racist hatred. Alliance Islamic Marxist anti-Semitic is again highlighted. The exploitation of Muslims by the Communists is a real scandal! The justice of our country in this case must be ruthless with these alleged anti-Semitic!
There is also the "useful idiot" of service, a lamplighter, Henry Eichholzer of AFPS 68 (A pro-Semitic and communist organization Hamas) which will be taken to Guy Petersmitt President Colmarien which communicates on the CPF website ( HERE) There is nothing surprising, since the "Association" an annex of the French Communist Party is led by its founder, Jean-Claude Lefort 66 years old member of the Communist Youth (National Office) and 1964's French Communist Party, he was from 1971 to 1979 the private secretary to Georges Marchais. In 1983 he became secretary of the Federation of Val-de-Marne Communist Party. He is an honorary member.
Still another and final co-accused, the official Ballouey Jacques, a member of verts68, Jacques, it's Molière ...! Leander Ballouey is: "What the hell was he doing in that galley? Scapin and replying: "He did not think of what happened. . On! A Marxist who thinks for himself .... ! It is not! Mr. Ballouey is a lamplighter, a fuse protector of the Islamic alliance filthy Marxist Djamila Sonzogni spokesman Antoine Waechter, blamed in the 1990s for his links ... with the extreme right and racist anti-Semite, president of Independent Ecological Movement (MEI), head of Europe Ecology list in Alsace. Jamila is also the representative of the Marxist Trotskyist Alain Lipietz, a pure watermelon (Green outside, red inside) And this time in March 2010 the European list "Ecology" (sic) made a lousy first round score of 15.6% and n is not this the second round. A chance for Alsace!
But although indicted by the justice of their country (?), These vile anti-Semitic agitators sticking to their guns in their primary manifestations of antisemitism, in effect last Friday, September 24 between 18h and 19h30, the parking lot of the Carrefour store Illzach, they were a dozen members of the "collective" Marxist anti-Semitic Boycott 68 (by police) or twenty (at the height of the rally organizers said) to show their "support" including Sakina Arnaud, whose trial on Appeal held that same Friday in Bordeaux. It was prosecuted by the store Bordeaux for "inciting racial hatred for calling for a boycott of Israeli products," said the demonstrators had Illzach who had again made an anti-Semitic leafleting. Among these, were three of the five Islamic Marxists "pro-Palestinian activists," currently being prosecuted for calling for a boycott of products nauseating Israeli origin in the hypermarket Carrefour Illzach, September 26, 2009.
The Court of Appeal of Bordeaux court issued October 22, 2010 in its deliberations during the trial (brought by the BNVCA (National Bureau of Vigilance Against Anti-Semitism) and the association Lawyers Without Borders). This trial was like Mulhouse filed a habitual offender of the rampant anti-Semitic hatred in the French hypermarket.
For the record, Miss Sakina Arnaud Khimoune born, had already been sentenced in 2005 to a fine of 300 euros by the appeals court in Bordeaux for similar offenses. The court, however, had reclassified the facts "light degradation. On 10 February 2010, the Criminal Court sentenced him to Bordeaux € 1,000 fine, the active and militant member of the LDH (Ligue des Droits de l'Homme), which had received the full support of the MRAP (*) had been convicted of "provoking discrimination and racial hatred" conviction upheld on appeal.
Besides inciting racial hatred Semitic, miss Arnaud activist LDH had increased the abusive and deceptive proclamations against Israel.
Our group will remain very attentive to what all these leftists are anti-Semitic racist Marxists condemned with the utmost severity and recalls that this fight against anti-Semitism must also be the concern of all advocates of human rights which must redouble vigilance and to respond to the development of racist anti-Semitic hatred unleashed by these true incendiary hatred, the French Communist Party, the League of Human Rights through the "Greens", the "Associations" Islamists, and the ultra left notoriously anti-Semitic actions by firm and vigorous.
At a time when the racist and antisemitic multiplied throughout France, where French and Jewish populations of strain are subject to a flood of hate, this ruling serves as a reminder to the proclamations of hate and acts about that antisemitism is not an opinion but a crime.
For the Secretariat of CTECNA.
Alain Michel Labet of Bornay
NB: To report anti-Semitic content:
And we launch a general call to denounce anti-Semitic texts. Bury www.internet-signalement.gouv.fr !
The procedure (several times if you wish):
go to www.internet-signalement.gouv.fr and click "reporting. "In the list, then choose" incitement to commit offenses "Date of observation: xx/xx/2009, located" on a website "to return the URL: www.internet-signalement.gouv.fr comment: you let go, but be constructive! Remain anonymous then validate. Run course (mail, forums ...)!

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